Once In A Lifetime Lyrics - ONE DIRECTION

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"Once In A Lifetime" Lyrics

Once In A Lifetime Lyrics - ONE DIRECTION

Once In A Lifetime

Once in a Lifetime, It's just right
We make no mistakes, not even a landslide
or riptide
could take it all away

it feels like nothing has changed
Right now
my heart is beating the same
out loud

someone's calling my name
It sounds like you

When I close my eyes
All the stars align
And you are by my side
You are by my side

Once in a lifetime
It's just right
We are always safe

Not even the bad guys
in the dark night
Could take it all away

feels like nothing has changed
right now my heart is beating the same

Out loud
someone's calling my name
And it sounds like you

When I close my eyes
All the stars align
And you are by my side
You are by my side
You are by my side
You are by my side

Once in a lifetime
you were mine

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Terimakasih buat Ahmad yang telah menambahkan "Once In A Lifetime" Lyrics by "1D"
Dan untuk Baby dan Barata yang sudah mengkoreksi "lirik lagu Once In A Lifetime" teraebut.


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  • One Direction - Once in a Lifetime (Audio)