Twin Skeleton’s Lyrics - FALL OUT BOY

Listen Songs! "FALL OUT BOY – Twin Skeleton’s".


"Twin Skeleton’s" Lyrics

Twin Skeleton’s Lyrics - FALL OUT BOY

Twin Skeleton’s

There's a room in a hotel in New York City
The chains up feet and it server hot preety
I don't want to remeber it all promises are made if you just hold on
Hoooold onn, hold on, hold on, hold on

I just did enough for you to tore the pain
Just to keep it to the nights till its win again
To Stripped up twin skeletons again
Till It ain't just apining our sings again

And there's a jade black coat torn it all in all in all
Keep making trouble till your father chillled up
I need a new partner to the all in you

There's a room in a hotel in New York City
The chains up feet and it server hot preety
I don't want to remeber it all promises are made if you just hold on
Hoooold onn, hold on, hold on, hold on


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