Charlie Brown Lyrics - COLDPLAY

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"Charlie Brown" lyrics


"Charlie Brown"

Charlie Brown Lyrics - COLDPLAY

Charlie Brown

Ooh ooh ooh

Stole a key,
Took a car downtown where the lost boys meet
Took a car downtown and took what they offered me
To set me free,
I saw the lights go down at the end of the scene
I saw the lights go down and they're standing in front of me

Ooh ooh ooh

And my scarecrow dreams
When they smashed my heart into smithereens
Be a bright red rose come bursting the concrete
Be a cartoon heart

Light a fire, a fire, a spark
Light a fire, a flame in my heart
We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark

Ooh ooh ooh

We'll be glowing in the dark

All the boys, all the girls, all that matters in the world
All the boys, all the girls, all the madness that occurs
All the highs, all the lows, as the room is spinning goes
We'll run riot, we'll be glowing in the dark

Ooh ooh ooh

So we soar luminous and wired
We'll be glowing in the dark

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Terimakasih buat Ahmad yang telah menambahkan "Charlie Brown" Lyrics dari "COLDPLAY"
Dan untuk Doni, Davin dan Hendra yang sudah mengkoreksi "lirik lagu Charlie Brown" teraebut.


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