Always In My Head Lyrics - COLDPLAY


"Always In My Head" Lyrics

Always In My Head Lyrics - COLDPLAY

Always In My Head

I think of you
I haven't slept
I think I do but
I don't forget
My body moves
Goes where I will
But though I try my heart stays still
It never moves, Just won't be led
And so my mouth waters
To be fed
And you're always in my head

You're always in my head, you're always in my head
You're always in my head

You're always in my head
Always in my...
Always in my, Always in my...

I guess
Is to tell you you're chosen out from the rest... 

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Terimakasih buat Ahmad yang telah menambahkan "Always In My Head" Lyrics by Coldplay
Dan untuk Boy, Lontong dan Wawan yang sudah mengkoreksi "lirik lagu Always In My Head" teraebut.


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